Vaginal Dryness & Pain in Menopause
The Juliet treatment uses a laser, which passes twice over the area being treated. The first pass stimulates the production of collagen. The second pass remodels the tissue, causing the formation of new blood vessels and new nerve endings. You’ll experience renewed sensation as you reverse the effects of menopause such as dryness or discomfort—without hormone therapy or vaginal creams.
To achieve the optimal effect, three Juliet treatment sessions are recommended. You’ll start to notice results after your first treatment, and improvements will continue throughout your treatment regimen.
What is the Juliet Vaginal Laser?
The Juliet is the latest technology in fractional laser systems for gentle, effective vaginal rejuvenation and improving urinary stress incontinence. The special structure of the laser pulse allows penetration deep into the tissue, precisely stimulating the new production of collagen and elastin in the vaginal tissue to repair and restore a women’s gynecological health.
The Juliet laser treatment is fast, safe and painless, takes less than 15 minutes and can be performed with no need for anesthesia. It has already changed the lives of thousands of women around the world.
Juliet is the fast, painless, non-surgical, and hormone-free treatment for:
- Painful Intercourse
- Vaginal Dryness, Burning, and Itching
- Vaginal changes due to childbirth
- Mild Urinary Leakage
- Loss of Elasticity and Tone
- Postmenopausal Intimate Issues
What does the Juliet Laser treat?
With menopause, or due to hormonal related cancer treatments, the vaginal lining becomes thin and atrophic. This can result in painful intercourse, dryness, irritation, itching, discharge, and spotting. The Juliet Laser restores the lining of the vagina resulting in a more hydrated, better quality and thicker lining with improved lubrication and less discomfort.
The external appearance of the vagina can also be rejuvenated with the Juliet Laser, plumping up the outer labia, tightening and retracting the inner labia.
How quickly is improvement noticed?
Benefits are observed almost immediately, although maximal tightening due to new collagen formation will take up to a month to occur. We encourage each patient to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandra Fleming to learn more about non-invasive vaginal treatment. Call today to learn more at 617-326-3232
Conveniently located at Playhouse Square at the corner of Forest Street and Washington Street in Wellesley, MA.